Business Members
Business members of the BCIA are those who work in the baby carrier industry as manufacturers, retailers/distributors, educators and those in supporting industries. Business members:
- Provide superior baby carriers, components of baby carriers, or services to manufacturers, distributors, retailers and, ultimately, caregivers
- Support the mission statement and purpose of the BCIA
- Are dedicated to furthering the adoption of babywearing in our culture and to introducing caregivers to the biological norm of babywearing.
All of Our Members Receive:
- Business listing and logo on the BCIA website
- E-newsletter with important industry news updates and information
- Lab testing discounts
- Priority referrals to media
- Access to monthly roundtable discussions
- Valuable networking opportunities
- Reduced rates of advertising in all BCIA publications
- Access to purchase multi-language labels and templates
- Participation in BCIA business forums and discussion groups
- Opportunity to vote on all policy and to run for elected positions
- Opportunity to sit on BCIA working committees
- Privilege of using the BCIA logo on your company website and publications
- Invitation to participate in cooperative advertising and marketing efforts
- Scholarship and further education opportunities
- Sponsorship opportunities
- Participation in the BCIA Annual General Meeting
BCIA offers systems and support to help our business members comply with complex and sometimes expensive regulations. One example is our Product Registration Service, which makes it easy for companies to comply with the product registration requirements of the CPSIA legislation. We continue to work with labs and testing companies to make testing to international standards understandable, attainable and affordable for all businesses. We will continue to advise companies (with the help of our excellent legal team) about the requirements of existing and future regulations, both in the US and abroad.
Our compliance assistance program is an additional add on option for companies who want one-on-one personalized assistance. Whether you are sending a product in for testing for the first time, developing a new carrier, or entering a new market, we can tailor an affordable program that meets your business needs.
Retailers’ support of the BCIA ensures that the carrier brands in their stores can comply with current regulations, and that retailers are aware of their own legal responsibilities. If retailers are acting as importers, the BCIA helps retailers navigate the compliance process. BCIA has created unique documents to guide retailers through compliance, and retailers have access to all the same services and benefits as our manufacturers.
BCIA has retained top US product liability attorney Neal Cohen, to advise us on matters of product liability, product safety, and applicable standards, bans, and regulations affecting our industry. This has allowed BCIA to provide our members with expert advice regarding the CPSIA and other relevant legislation. Need a legal referral? The BCIA can refer you to a qualified product liability, patent and trademark or Prop 65 attorney for your own legal matters.
Membership in the BCIA entitles you to access to our private Facebook group and discussion space. Members of the BCIA are actively working together to share resources and information on labeling, regulations, compliance, and basic business concerns. Using our members-only resources you’ll be able seek answers to your most difficult questions, and work with your fellow industry members to build a repository of useful information.
BCIA was founded by industry leaders. This organization formalizes the long-standing camaraderie between competitors within our industry and provides opportunities for companies to connect with one another, sharing information, ideas, and resources. BCIA continually networks with other related industries and organizations. BCIA creates opportunities for social gatherings and networking meetings between babywearing companies during events like the ABC Kids Expo, ASTM subcommittee meetings, the Toronto Kids Show, and at various International Babywearing Conferences, strengthening the collaborative efforts of the industry.
All members are invited to attend the BCIA Annual General Meeting held each year either virtually or in person at a relevant industry trade show. Members are also invited to our more casual monthly Industry Roundtable discussions.
In addition to the PRS program and other benefits we offer directly to our members, BCIA has negotiated discounts for member businesses on items such as:
Product testing
Labels and templates
Merchant services
Print materials
Web development and design
Social media and marketing
Compliance programs
The BCIA works with organizations like AM Testing, SGS Labs and York-Jersey Underwriters to provide specialized business education and resources specifically geared toward the baby carrier and juvenile products industry. Whether you’re looking for merchant services or advice on managing social media effectively for your business, we can point you in the right direction for industry-based expert advice.
- Business Building Workshops
- Current Research and Industry Resources
- Webinars and White Papers
BCIA continues to prioritize sharable marketing and public safety information campaigns. BCIA is uniquely poised to share industry messaging with both governmental organizations and with the general public:
- Babies should be closely supervised in their first four months of life.
- The safest place for new babies is next to their caregiver’s heart, visible and kissable to their caregiver.
- Baby slings and soft carriers facilitate this supervision.
- It is especially important that while caring for babies, caregivers must not cover babies’ faces or put them into positions or devices that compromise their airways.
BCIA continues to work with leading national and international organizations to spread this important message, and we continue to work with member companies to help them provide clear instructions and photographs in their marketing and other materials.
BCIA is working directly with congress and the CPSC on your behalf. Our Executive Director meets as needed with CPSC Commissioners and staff and key members of the senate and house, and has also networked with consumer advocacy organizations at locations such as the International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization conference. We are the voice of the baby carrier industry to the CPSC Small Business Ombudsman, who is well aware of the needs of our membership and the many small and micro-businesses that comprise it. BCIA maintains regular communication with Health Canada to stay abreast of current regulations, and to keep our joint educational campaign “Visible & Kissable” in circulation.
BCIA works to keep you actively informed of changes and developments within the international governing standards bodies. We continue to be actively involved in the standards writing process with ASTM international (US) and CEN (Europe.) Executive Director Linnea Catalan is the current sling standard subcommittee chair, the co-chair of the frame carrier subcommittee, and works closely with Eric Childs (ErgoBaby), chair of the soft carrier subcommittee. Board member Diana Mateescu is the official BCIA representative in the CEN standards process in Europe, where work is continuing on the long-awaited 13209-3 standard, addressing slings and carriers with unbound leg openings. BCIA keeps its membership closely apprised of the ever changing regulatory climate, providing continual support as business members manage the compliance process.
It can be difficult to keep up with changing regulations and a shifting media climate around infant carriers. BCIA is doing that work for our membership, keeping members updated on carrier-related articles in the media. Additionally, we are proud that our membership continues to work with us in creating positive press around the baby carrier industry and the countless benefits of babywearing.
Membership in the BCIA provides a cutting edge look into current babywearing research, safety recommendations, and more. BCIA paved the way for educating the CPSC and legislators about the importance of sling-style and other carriers with the creation of a White Paper, which has collated the leading research about baby carriers from around the world. Additionally, BCIA is working with industry educators to facilitate future research. BCIA continues to explore the possibility of the creation of an educator certification program. BCIA continues to facilitate conversations with educators around the world about best practice in both babywearing and babywearing education.
BCIA is committed to representing the industry as an international organization with a focus well beyond the USA. To that end, we have board members from Germany, Romania, and Canada representing international interests, and our International membership base continues to grow. The more members we have in each geographical area, the better able we are to assist with your unique needs. Our membership base becomes more varied every year and we are pleased to have recently seen an influx of members from Israel, the Philippines, Colombia, India and the Dominican Republic, to name only a few. BCIA stays on top of regulations that affect the babywearing industry internationally and keeps our membership up-to-date on compliance issues that will affect our industry. We have a strong relationship with Health Canada and are pleased to announce the successful launch of our joint education ‘Visible and Kissable’ campaign. We are poised to use this campaign as a model for future campaigns with other governments.
Enjoy All the Benefits the BCIA Has to Offer.