The main changes to the F2907-22 sling standard focus on changes to the product warning labels. For a brief overview of the changes and information about the CPSC vote, see our press release: F2907-22: Changes to the ASTM Baby Sling Standard, published last month.
Why Were These Changes Made?
The ASTM has committed to harmonizing standards across the board. This includes ensuring that warning labels meet ANSI’s Z535 standard for warning labels. These changes will also impact other carrier categories, although they have not yet been implemented.
The good news is that the ASTM F2907-22 sling standard has proven incredibly effective as written.
Detailed Update on the Changes to the F2907-22 Sling Standard
The following is a list of all changes implemented in F2907-22 sling standard — not only to warning labels, but also to the scope, definitions, and product packaging sections of the standard.
The updated standard is available free to ASTM members, or it can be purchased on the ASTM website.
For additional help and support
To learn more about the ASTM F2907-22 sling standard, or about other baby carrier standards and regulations both in the US and globally, join the BCIA today.
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