Mutual Cornell Environmental
Mutual Cornell Environmental offers a number of options for lead, paint, component and chemical testing. If you do not see what you need below, please contact Mutual Cornell and they will be happy to see if your testing needs can be accommodated.
Lead and/or Cadmium Testing:
Cost is $27.00 per component to complete both tests (for a $7.00 savings over completing only one of the tests, which cost $17.00 each). The testing turn time is within five to seven days and can be expedited, currently at no additional cost, which would provide you with the results within one to three days.
Total Heavy Metals:
Cost is $87.00 per component to test for Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Mercury and Selenium. The testing turn time is within five to seven days and can be expedited, currently at no additional cost, which would provide you with the results within one to three days.
Soluble Heavy Metals:
Cost is $95.00 per component to test for Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Mercury and Selenium. The testing turn time is within seven to days and can be expedited, currently at no additional cost, which would provide you with the results within five to seven days.
*The difference between Total and Soluble testing is the Total test will provide you with the amount that is contained in the sample, while the Soluble will provide you with the amount that leaches out of the sample. (regardless of how much is actually contained in the sample). The Soluble test type is commonly required for Surface Coating components from Children’s items, such as Enamel, Paint, Epoxy, etc.
Phthalates Testing:
Cost is $185.00 per component and applies only to components made from Soft Plastic, PVC, Vinyl, Elastic or Synthetic Leather. The testing turn time is within five to seven days and can be expedited, currently at no additional cost, which would provide you with the results within three to five days.
Performance Testing for Children’s Toys and other Children’s Articles:
– Sharp Points / Sharp Edges Testing
– Breakaway / Pull Testing
– Accessibility Testing
– Drop / Impact Testing
– Small Parts Testing
– Torque / Tension Testing
– Compression Testing
– Flexure Testing
– Seam Testing
– Cycle Testing
– Normal Use Testing
– Rattle Testing
*Depending on what the sample is – the item may not need all of the above tests completed and more often than not, will only need a couple of types completed. The cost is $25.00 per item, per test and the testing turn time is within three to five days. The testing can be expedited, currently at no additional cost, which would provide you with the results within one to three days.
Also, there are some combination tests that are required under CPSC – and I have listed them below:
– CPSC Use and Abuse Testing (which would include Drop Test, Torque Force, Tension Test, Compression Test, Bite Test, Seam Test, Flexure Test). The cost is $115.00 per item and the testing turn time is within three to five days. The testing can be expedited, currently at no additional cost, which would provide you with the results within one to three days.
– CPSC Pacifier Performance Testing (which would include Visual Test, Structural Integrity Test, Nipple Test, Handle/Ring Test, Guard and Shield Test, Ventilation Test, Protrusions Test, Heat Cycle Deterioration Test). The cost is $165.00 per item and the testing turn time is within three to five days. The testing can be expedited, currently at no additional cost, which would provide you with the results within one to three days.
Mutual Cornell contact:
136 Corliss Street
Providence, RI 02904
401-274-9998 – Telephone
401-274-9990 – Fax