Visible & Kissable: Health Canada & BCIA Joint Education Campaign

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BCIA is pleased to announce our joint education campaign in conjunction with Health Canada. Recognizing a need to educate the public about safe babywearing, BCIA has combined forces with Health Canada to produce an educational campaign. By educating the public, including parents, health care providers, retailers and others coming in contact with babywearing families, we plan to increase awareness of safe positioning with the intent of minimizing the already low risk of injury or death while using a baby carrier.

BCIA will continue to provide project support by participating in both the planning of the project as well as the creation of the educational materials.

Our campaign will produce printed materials, video and online content to be widely distributed. In addition to reaching out to the general public, the campaign will also distribute promotional materials to Canadian public health centers, midwives and consumer safety organizations as well as members of the babywearing community. BCIA member retailers, manufacturers and educators will be able to access the campaign’s resources as well.

This is BCIA’s first joint project with a national public health organization and it’s first major Canadian-based project.

Campaign poster:

Baby Slings-Poster_FINAL EN

To order posters directly from Health Canada:

Health Canada poster order details