Please join us for an educational webinar:
“Why Understanding Social Justice Concepts Matters”
Presented by Angelique Geehan of Interchange
Thursday, October 12, 2017
11am-12:30pm central time (US/Canada)
Registration details:
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Password: BCIA2017
Or iPhone one-tap:
US: +16699006833,340838877# or +16465588656,340838877#
Or Telephone:
Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 340 838 877
International numbers available:
This 1.5 hour session is a dense but introductory run-through of concepts relevant to working toward greater diversity and inclusion that should help attendees:
- Identify ways in which being culturally sensitive can improve their reach, loyalty, and effectiveness with clients, customers, and partners
- Begin to recognize their own abilities to control situations (power), responsibilities of having power, and the limits of power
- Consider how observation, exploration, and validation, can help develop greater cultural sensitivity
- Understand the importance of critical handling of information and the role of basic human motivations on behavior
- Consider self-assessment as a tool using own identity characteristics, own needs, and others’ needs
- Understand the meanings and importance of some specific terms used in discussing social justice and human and civil rights (race and ethnicity, disability, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and so on; and how context matters when using them (who is communicating, in what situations)
- **This session WILL NOT (not likely, anyway) help attendees unpack their resistance or personal relationships to the above concepts or allow time to field individual questions about how those concepts apply to specific situations. Usually, this kind of presentation is a good starting point for attendees to investigate further, either independently or with support.
- If you require translation or transcription services please let us know ahead of time. There will be a recording made available if possible, and a write up of the content covered will be available in the BCIA library as a reference document.